Post Graduate Research Department of Physics – Research

Research and Publications

Dr. Suneera T P

International Journals

1. T. P. Suneera, P. A. Subha, Single-hump and double-hump solitons in a parity-time symmetric complex potential. Waves in Random and Complex Media, 2016, 5, 241 − 254, (I.F : 1.45, ISSN : 1745 − 5030).

2. T.P. Suneera, P.A. Subha, Higher eigenmodes of matter wave solitons in parity-time symmetric complex potential. Perspectives in Science, Elsevier 2016, 8, 482 − 484, (ISSN : 2213 − 0209).

3. T. P. Suneera, P. A. Subha, Higher eigenmodes of nonlocal gap solitons in parity-time symmetric complex potential with a defocusing nonlinearity. Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals, 2017, 98, 183 − 188, (I.F : 1.45, ISSN : 0960 − 0779)

4. T. P. Suneera, P. A. Subha, Parity-time symmetric coupler in transverse periodic and aperiodic potentials. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2018, 133, 84, (I.F : 1.75, ISSN : 2190 − 5444).

5. T. P. Suneera, P. A. Subha, Nonlocal gap solitons in parity-time symmetric coupler with transverse real potential. Journal of Optics, 2018, 20, 095504, (I.F : 2.323, ISSN : 2040 − 8986).

6. T. P. Suneera, P. A. Subha, Switching dynamics in parity-time symmetric coupler with nonlocal nonlinearity having transverse potentials. (Communicated to Journal of modern optics.)

Conference Proceedings

1. “Propagation of matter waves in parity-time symmetric synthetic materials”, National Conference on modern optics and material science (NCMOMS), Farook College, University of Calicut.

2. “Higher eigenmodes of matter wave solitons in parity-time symmetric complex potential”, International Conference on Engineering and Material Science (ICEMS), Jaipur, Rajasthan.

3. “Optical solitons in a periodic PT symmetric complex potential with nonlocal nolinearity”, International conference on Nonlinear Physics : Theory and Experiment (NPTE − 2016, Farook College, University of Calicut.

4. “The stationary states of a nonlinear coupler in a PT symmetric periodic potential”, Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics (CNSD − 2016), IISER, Kolkatta.

Dr. Harikrishnan G

International Journals

1. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M., Sharat Chandra, Valsakumar, M.C. (2015). “Evolutionary algorithm based structure search for hard ruthenium carbides.” Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 23, 085006-1-24.

2. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M., Sharat Chandra, Valsakumar, M.C. (2015). “Vibrational spectra of ruthenium carbide structures yielded by the structure search employing evolutionary algorithm.” Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process., 40, 484-490.

3. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M., Sathish Natarajan, Sharat Chandra, Valsakumar, M.C. (2016). “Pressure-induced variation of structural, elastic, vibrational, electronic, thermodynamic properties and hardness of Ruthenium Carbides.” J. Phys. Chem. Solids., 94, 47-58.

4. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M., Sharat Chandra, Valsakumar, M.C. (2017). “Evolutionary algorithm based structure search and first-principles study of B12C3 polytypes.” J. Alloys Compd., 695, 2023 – 2034.

5. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M., Sharat Chandra, Valsakumar, M.C. (2019). “Semiconducting B13C2 system : structure search and DFT-based analysis.” Mater. Res. Express 6, 046544 (1 -11)

National Journals

1. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M. (2014). “Hardness estimation for Ruthenium Carbides based on semi-empirical models.” Scientia (ISSN 0976 – 8289), 10 (1), 74 – 84.

2. Harikrishnan, G., Ajith, K.M. (2014). “Born Effective Charges and Infrared Spectra of RuC and Ru3C Using Density Functional Theory.” VI RJ for Pure and Applied Sciences (ISSN 2347 – 3835), 2 (1), 53 – 60.

Dr. Nithyaja B

International Journals

1. B. Nithyaja, V. K. Jisha, R. Tintu, A.V. Saramma and V. P. N. Nampoori; “kinetics of bacterial colony growth by laser induced fluorescence” , Laser Phys. 19, 468 (2009)

2. Nithyaja Balan, Misha Hari, Vadakkedathu Parameswaran Narayana Namppori; “Selective mode excitation in the dye –doped DNA polyvinyl alcohol thin film”, Appl. Opt. 48 3521(2009)

3. B. Nithyaja, H. Misha, P. Radhakrishnan and V P N Nampoori; “ Effect of DNA on nonlinear optical properties of Rhodamine6G-PVA solution”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 023110 (2011)

4. Nithyaja B, Yogeshwar Nath M , Amit Kumar S,Misha H and Nampoori V P N; “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles stabilized by bovine serum albumin” J. Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 20 (2011)

5. B. Nithyaja, H. Misha and V.P.N. Nampoori “ Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in DNA template and its influence on nonlinear optical properties “,; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2(4), pp. 99-103, 2012

6. B. Nithyaja, K. Vishnu, S. Mathew, P. Radhakrishnan, and V. P. N. Nampoori “Studies on CdS nanoparticles prepared in DNA and bovine serum albuminbased biotemplates” J. Appl. Phys 112, 064704 (2012)

7. Nithyaja B, Misha H, Nampoori V P N; “Fluorescence enhancement of silver nanoparticles using DNA as a stabilizing agent”, Proc. SPIE 8173, 81731K (2010)

8. K.Vishnu ,B. Nithyaja ,C. Pradeep , R. Sujith ,P. Mohanan and V.P.N. Nampoori; “Studies on the effect of mobile phone radiation on DNA using laser induced fluorescence technique”, Laser Phys. 21, 1(2011))

9. Rose Leena Thomas, Vasuja, Misha HariI, B. Nithyaja S. Mathew, I. Rejeena, Sheenu Thomas , V. P. N. Nampoori and P. Radhakrishnan; “Optical Limiting in TeO 2 –ZnO glass from Z-scan technique” , J. Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 20, 3 (2011)

10. M. Libish, J. Linesh, M. C. Bobby, B. Nithyaja, S. Mathew, C. Pradeep, P. Radhakrishnan “Glucose concentration sensor based on long period grating fabricated from hydrogen loaded photosensitive fiber “, T.; Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 129, Issue 6, pp. 142-148, (2011) .

11. Sasidharan Sreeja, Balan Nithyaja, Debasis Swain, Vadakkedathu Parameswaran Narayana Nampoori, Padmanabhan Radhakrishnan Soma Venugopal Rao “Nonlinear Optical Studies of DNA Doped Rhodamine 6G-PVA Films Using Picosecond Pulses”Optics and Photonics Journal 2 135-139 (2012)

12. C. Pradeep, S. Mathew, B. Nithyaja, P. Radhakrishnan, V. P. N. Nampoori “Effect of marine derived deoxyribonucleic acid on nonlinear optical properties of PicoGreen dye “Applied Physics B (2013 )

13. Rejeena, B.Lillibai, B.Nithyaja, V.P.N.Nampoori, P.Radhakrishnan “Optical Studies on Sol-Gel Derived Lead Chloride Crystals” J. Engineering, Computers & Applied Sciences Vol. 2, No 4 (2013)

14. C. Pradeep·S. Mathew·B. Nithyaja· P. Radhakrishnan·V.P.N. Nampoori “Studies of nonlinear optical properties of PicoGreen dye usingZ-scan technique” Appl Phys A 115:291–295 (2014)

15. Dileep Krisnan P, Nithyaja B, Pavena K “ Biophotonics fo Life with Special Emphasis on DNA & Silk as Biomaterials” Intenational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science Vol: 4 Issue 03 (2017)

Preetha A U

Conference Proceedings

1. Morphological analysis of early-type galaxies hosting X-ray point sources”, A. U. Preetha, C. D. Ravikumar, V. Jithesh and Dhanya Joseph, Research Journal of Recent Sciences,2013, ISSN:2277-2502

2. Disks in Early-Type Galaxies from NIR observations, Disks in Early-Type Galaxies from NIR observations, Dhanya Joseph, C. D. Ravikumar and A. U. Preetha, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, 2013, ISSN:2277-2502

3. Structural Properties of early type Galaxies with Ionised Gas, Dhanya Joseph, C. D.Ravikumar, A. U. Preetha and Nikesh M, Research Journel of Physical Sciences,2013, ISSN:2320–4796

4. “Stellar Population Synthesis of Bright X-ray Point Sources in NGC 1399, S. Aswathy, C. D. Ravikumar, V. Jithesh, A. U. Preetha, and Dhanya Joseph, Research Journal of Recent Sciences,2013, ISSN: 2277-2502

5. Optical Properties of Bright X-ray Sources in NGC 1399: Colour – X-ray Luminosity Correlation, S. Aswathy, C. D. Ravikumar, A. U. Preetha, V. Jithesh and Dhanya Joseph, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research,2014, ISSN:2229-5518.

6. “Abundance of X-ray point sources in nearby early-type galaxies”, A. U. Preetha, C. D. Ravikumar, V. Jithesh and Dhanya Joseph, 32nd Scientific meeting of Astronomical Society of India (ASI) from 20th to 22th March 2014, IISER, ASI Conference Series, 2013, Edited by Pushpa Khare & C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, In Press.

7. “The multi-wavelength studies of ultraluminous X-ray sources in NGC 1427”, V. Jithesh, A. U. Preetha, R. Misra, S. Ravindranath, G. C. Dewangan, C. D. Ravikumar, K. Jeena, and B.R.S. Babu, 30th ASI meeting, 20th to 22th February 2013, ASI Conference Series, 2013, Edited by Pushpa Khare & C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, ISBN:978-81-922926-7-0.

Reena V N

International Journals

1. Subin kuamr. K, Priya Varma C, Reena V N, Aravindakshan. KK, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 9(8), 1317-1323 (2017)

2. Subin Kumar. K, Priya Varma. C, Reena. V. N, Aravindakshan. K. K, International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 8(10), 160-166 (2017)

Santhi Krishna U

Conference Proceedings

1. Critical Behavior in the system Cyclopentanone + Water + secondary Butyl Alcohol, U. Santhi Krishna, and P. K. Madhavan Unni, AIP Conference Proceedings 1953, 040009 (2018)

II. Publications by Research Scholars

International Journals

1. Dileep Krisnan P, Nithyaja B, Pavena K “ Biophotonics fo Life with Special Emphasis on DNA & Silk as Biomaterials” Intenational Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science Vol: 4 Issue 03 (2017)

2. K. M. Muraleedharan, R. K. Sunil Kumar, Bibish Kumar K. T., Sunil John. ”Analysis of Time delay and Embedding dimension of Reconstructed phase space of Human vocal tract using Malayalam vowels”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN: 2349-5162, May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5

3. Sandesh E PA, Lajish V.L, Bibish Kumar K T, R.K.Sunil Kumar. “A Comparative Study of Colour Spaces for Mouth Region Segmentation in Indian Context”, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.6, No.8, August 2018 E-ISSN: 2321- 9637

4. Bibish Kumar K T, R.K.Sunil Kumar, Sandesh E PA and Lajish V.L. ”A Comparative Study of Lip region Segmentation in Different Colour Space for Lip reading in Indian Context”, International Journal of Tomography and Simulation. Accepted. Under Publication.

5. Bibish Kumar K T, R.K.Sunil Kumar, Sandesh E PA and Sourabh S.”Viseme Set Identification from Malayalam Phonemes and Allophones”, International Journal of Speech Technology. Under Review.

6. Bibish Kumar K T, R.K.Sunil Kumar, K M Muraleedharan, Sunil John. ” “MOZHI” – An Audio-Visual Malayalam Speech Database”, International Journal of Speech Communication. Under Review.

7. R K Sunil Kumar, K M Muraleedharan, Vivek P, Lajish V L. “Study of nonlinear properties of vocal tract and its effectiveness in speaker modelling”, Journal of Acoustical Society of India: Vol 43, no. 2 (2016): 116-124.

Conference Proceedings

1. “Effectiveness of Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test to Classify the Time Domain Distribution Pattern of Speech Signal for Forensic Applications”, National Seminar on Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics on 16th , 17th and 18th January 2019 organized by School of Information Science & Technology, Kannur University.

2. “Optimization of Time Delay and Embedding Dimension for Phase space Reconstruction to Analyze the Dynamical Behavior of Vocal tract”. 13th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference on 11th – 15th November 2018, CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.

3. “High frequency spectral coefficients of speech time series and positive Lyapunov exponents of speech time series”, National Conference on advances in Statistical Methods on 08-10 November 2018, Department of Statistical Sciences, Kannur University.

4. “Color Thresholding Based Approaches to Lip Segmentation for Visual Speech Recognition”, 7th National Conference on Indian Language Computing, NCILC-2017, on 18th February 2017 organized by Dept. of Computer Application, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi.

5. “Characterisation of vocal tract by box counting dimension analysis”, International Conference on Non linear Physics:Theory and Experiment on 13-14 December 2016, Dept. of Physics and Research Centre, Farook College ,Kozhikode.

6. “Automatic Keyword Spotting from Malayalam Conversational Speech Using HMM.” National Symposium on Acoustics, NSA-2015 Goa, Acoustics for Ocean Environment, 2015.

7. “Improved Vowel Phoneme Classification over Eigen values of the Reconstructed Phase Space Using ANN.” 5th National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC – 2015), 2015.

8. “Malayalam speech controlled mulipurpose Robotic arm”, In 26th Kerala Science Congress, Wayanad, pp. 28-31. 2014.

9. Research paper entitled “Developmental Strategies For ICT Tools Supporting Constructive Paradigm in Science Education” accepted for presentation 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: 28-31 Jan. 2014 and got Best Paper Award.

10. “Power Spectrum Analysis of Speech Signals (Focused On Chaotic Properties) for Speaker Identification.” Acoustics 2013 New Delhi, 2013.

11. “HMM Word Modeling and Short Query based Directory Access for Automatic Phone Dialing in Malayalam.” Acoustics 2013, New Delhi, 2013.

12. “A Quick Review of Recognition Strategies Based on Neural Network and Neuro-fuzzy Approaches with Special Reference to HCR in Indian Languages”, Proc. 3rd National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC2013), 19-20 January, CUSAT, Cochin, 2013.

13. “Malayalam consonant vowel recognition based on Visual Geometric Features and ANN”, Proc. 3rd National Conference on Indian Language Computing (NCILC2013), 19- 20 January, CUSAT, Cochin, 2013.